
Current Body CURRENT BODY SE CONSOLIDA EN ESPAÑA Current Body a company specialized and leader in techno beauty devices, has the need to make these products known in Spain. The objective is to position CurrentBody as a leader in the beauty tech products market. PR and Communication Campaign Objectives To generate expectation and curiosity about […]

Mar de Frades

Mar de Frades Mar de Frades is for the first time the official wine of the festival of Málaga The first action was the opening party of the Malaga Festival at the Teatro Real in Madrid where we invited Jaime Monge, Isabela Ruiz de Rato and Teresa Gareche. Young talents accompanied us to live the […]

Circolo Propolare

Circolo Popolare Opening in madrid the third restaurant of big mamma in spain Circolo Popolare s more than a restaurant, it is an experience, a place to celebrate special moments and create unforgettable memories. We held a spectacular opening party in which we had more than 700 guests. Among them, there were the best influencers […]

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