Current Body

CurrentBody, a company specialized and leader in techno beauty devices, has the need to make these products known in Spain.

The objective is to position CurrentBody as a leader in the beauty tech products market.

PR and Communication Campaign Objectives

  1. To generate expectation and curiosity about these devices.
  2. Increase brand visibility in key women’s press and beauty media.
  3. Highlight the unique features and benefits of CurrentBody devices.
  4. Establish relationships with opinion leaders in the beauty/wellness/antiaging field and find the perfect ambassador for Spain.
  5. To allow tier 1 media to test the devices.

Communication Strategy

Press Release: Distribute a detailed press release to the appropriate press, highlighting technical features, user benefits, and expert testimonials.

 Product press mailing


– Media Coverage

– Positive Opinions

– Initial Sales


The PR and communication strategy implemented to publicize CurrentBody devices in Spain is being a success and being well received in the media. Since March we have had more than 25 clippings obtaining almost 3 million euros of PR value and more than 100 million

Logo Filippa azul